- Been in existence for over 12 years.
- Initially it was a reserve for senior women in the media but all this changed when we got a visit from the former President Jai Chandiram who visited Kenya and met with KBC management and the rest is history as they say, we have never looked back, later we opened the Association up with women from other media houses and organizations..
- The board has 7 members drawn from professional women across the board.
- We are honored to have had a Kenyan, Racheal Nakitare as the President of IAWRT International (2011-2015).
The International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) Kenya chapter conducts elections every two years and the last time we did that was 4th October 2014.
Current office holders are Chapter head- Josephine Karani; Vice Chair – Josephine Mirembe Nkuubi Secretary – Cecilia Mwende Maundu – Treasurer Grace Githaiga Member – Atieno Otieno
- We have several activities we carry out as a local Chapter, currently working with three organizations on various issues affecting women.
- Trainings on mapping technological violence against women, defence from abuse, sixteen days of activism and media programmes
conducted these projects in association with the Association of Progressive Communication, (APC),under - FLOW (Funding Leadership Opportunities for Women) Technological violence against women, mapping research, (KICTANET) USHAHIDI Map,Kenya ICT Action Network, Internet Governance Forum, research, round tables (women leaders)
produced Poster on stopping violence against women (with Police, chiefs) - Research on “Closing the Gender Gap in ICT Data and Policymaking: ICTs for Empowerment of women and girls” in Kenya. Internship to our young members.
- Our members contributed to the IAWRT Gender mainstreaming study, and we have held workshops on its ifindings and implementation
our members contributed to the 2015 Long documentary which we have screened in Kenya - Facebook; You Tube; Twitter