
IAWRT is a global network of 14 national chapters and members in 54 countries. IAWRT members are professional communicators or researchers in media and communications.

We strive to meet the urgent global challenges faced by women in and around the media. IAWRT is managed by an elected international board, which oversees funding initiatives for local chapter and for member activities.

International members

Members from countries where IAWRT does not yet have country chapters.

Gunilla Ivarsson (Sweden) | Violet Gonda (Zimbabwe/UK) | Abeer Saady (Egypt) | Rebcca Myles (USA) | Desi K. Robinson (USA) | Fiona Martin (Australia) | Greta Gober (Poland/Sweden) | Inge von Boenninghausen (Germany) | Michelle Ferrier (USA) | Rebecca Hunde (Ethiopia) | Benaz Batrawi (Iraq-Kurdistan) | Birgitte Jallov (Denmark) | Iphigenie Marcooux-Fortier (Canada)