NGO CSW63 Art competition
Have your artwork prominently featured at the largest annual non-government forum held at the United Nations. Enter the Handbook Cover Art Contest for NGO CSW63.
The forum is held in parallel with the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women in 2019.
The challenge: Your artwork should incorporate the CSW63 Priority Theme: Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
Deadline For Submissions: 14 January, 2019.
The CSW is held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 11-22 March, 2019
* Thousands of representatives from Governments, NGOs and Women’s Organizations worldwide attend.
* All working to advance Human Rights for Women and Girls.
*Click here to learn more about the NGO CSW63 Forum
*Visit UN Women web site to learn about CSW63
entries close 14 January, 2019.