Internet Governance Forum in Kenya
Friday, 12 August 2016, Nairobi. Kenya. UNESCO is supporting Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANET) to hold an Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Conference. It will cover net neutrality, data protection; intermediary liability and cyber security
and feature updates on the Review of Kenya’s ICT policy and the ICT Access Gap Report. KICTANET and IAWRT Kenya have been partners in past projects targeting technological violence against women.
This activity is within the framework of UNESCO’s Main Line of Action MLA 1: Promoting an enabling environment for freedom of expression, press freedom and journalistic safety, facilitating pluralism and participation in media, and supporting sustainable and independent media institutions in Kenya. Contact Jaco Du toit, Advisor Communication and Information, UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa (Tel: +254 (0)20 762 2346/2566, Email: [email protected])