Freedom of Speech and Gender Equity Project
Members and non-members can apply for Research Postion
IAWRT has secured UNESCO funding to develop a project based on the successes of the 2014-2015 pilot Gender Mainstreaming Project (GMP).
This will further our work in the area of freedom of speech and gender equality in the media. The 2014-2015 pilot GMP resulted in the report, pictured, Gender Equality and Social Justice in Public Media available here which was based on media monitoring research in 8 countries and the designing and presentation of IAWRT workshops and discussions on gender equality in the media inspired by that report.
In the the upcoming 2018 GMP, we are planning to develop a handbook for media students, journalists, and media professionals, based on our experiences and best practices from the GMP pilot and additional research. It will focus in particular on best practices from the Global South. Then this will be followed up by workshops in all 14 countries where IAWRT has chapters to provide applied learning grounded in the handbook.
IAWRT is now calling for applicants for a researcher & report writer position to take responsibility for collecting and compiling experiences and examples of best practices, based on the GMP pilot study and additional research, particularly focusing on South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and India.focusing on the key questions
●Why is gender equality important and what items related to gender equality are more often reported by women journalist and neglected by males?
● How journalists, editors, and producers understand the importance of gender balance in the media, and what works best to convey the message of gender equality to media practitioners.
● How journalists, editors, and producers see the need for concrete guidelines on how gender equality can be realized in the media
● What strategies are helpful in keeping gender equality in focus throughout the daily difficulties and challenges of media work.
● What are the biggest obstacles to realizing gender equality in and through the media in practice and what are the best ways/examples of overcoming them
● What are the biggest cultural taboos that prevent gender balance from being reached in and by the media and how to overcome them.
● What is the need for guidelines and policies on how to prevent sexual harassment in media organizations and hate speech towards journalists.
The full text of the call for applicants and the application form attached below. Deadline May 21 2018.