Evaluating the future of IAWRT
The future direction of IAWRT for 2018 and 9 will be workshopped
at the upcoming Biennial, being held in the Philippines’ Quezon city in Metro Manila. On November 11, the members meeting will be discussing the latest evaluation commissioned by IAWRT’s main funder, FOKUS in Norway.
The outgoing IAWRT President Gunilla Ivarsson has invited all interested members (including those unable to attend) to give input and comments on the report, actions arising from the evaluation, and the way forward. They should be put in writing and sent to [email protected] as soon as possible before the members meeting..
The report can be read by logging into ‘my account’ on this website and downloading from the members section, or you can ask for a copy by sending an email to Geeta Sahai at [email protected].
Ms Ivarsson has warned that members need to understand that there are some factual errors and misunderstandings in the report, and that some of the recommendations have already been taken care of, such as it now being possible to use PayPal for paying annual members fees.
However, despite the report being focused on one particular aid program on gender mainstreaming, it has some valuable assessments and suggestions for IAWRT and is important reading for members interested in the future of this organisation.