IAWRT is a non-profit professional organization of women working in electronic and allied media. It is a non-governmental organization (NGO) in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
IAWRT organizes thematic seminars and conferences, implements projects and undertakes professional activities, collaborates with media organizations and undertakes research.
IAWRT is a global network of media practitioners with an international board and growing number of local chapters and members.
To strengthen initiatives to ensure women’s views and values are an intergral part of programming and to advance the impact of women in and through the media. Statutes are available to members here.
- IAWRT organizes international and regional conferences, workshops and training for the professional development of its members.
- IAWRT provides a unique opportunity to exchange views with the world’s media professionals
- IAWRT Awards of Excellence honor the creativity of women producers of outstanding radio and TV programs.
- IAWRT Scholarship Fund supports media studies.
- IAWRT supports productions, training and projects for women in developing countries.
IAWRT provides a rich resource of knowledge and professional experiences through website, newsletters, biennial conferences, regional and local meetings and training workshops.