#16Pledges: Truth-telling, telling women’s stories to improve women’s lives and create a just and human society

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Day 11 of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence


#16Pledges: IAWRT members around the world share their efforts and vision how they can contribute to eliminating violence against women




Pledge of the International Association of Women in Radio and

Television (IAWRT) Philippine Chapter in support of the

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence


Women truth-tellers that we are,

Born to live a life for ourselves, our community, society, and nation

And for humanity, truth, peace, justice and dignity.

Because of our natural instincts as nurturers,

We carry the fundamental value of integrity of creation.


In our unique role as truth-tellers,

We fill the void where there is hunger and quest for truth.

With real compassion for the very least,

With stories about women’s lives and those of their family and children.


In a world where threats to truth, justice and peace exist,

We women truth-tellers dare to tread the unknown

And take the lead.


We take the challenge and commit to create a just and humane society.


IAWRT Philippines Chapter General Assembly in Quezon City, November 2019